Relationship-Focused Parenting

Transforming slammed doors to sofa giggles, through connection & deep listening

Whether you are actively looking for a more respectful, responsive approach to parenting, or you just need something that actually works to shift challenging behaviours, you're in the right place

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Meet Roma

Dubbed ā€œthe Nigella of parentingā€™,Ā I turn around scratch-your-eyes-out-hard family situations where nothing else has worked.Ā I can be sighted in a naughty red dress but in actuality spend most of my time coaching internationally from my bed in pyjamas with my hair standing on end.Ā 

IĀ have been working with parents (as a Birthworker, NCT Breastfeeding Counsellor and Hand in Hand Parenting Instructor) since 2006 andĀ am a warm, overconfident, prolific, playful, pattern-interrupter who somehow has the answers to your life.

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